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IWA/CC Minutes 03-03-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Barb Kelly, Audrey Delnicki, John Blondin, Hugh Brower, John Phillips, Carol Heffler

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller, sitting for Tim Appleton
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Vice Chairperson Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm


Jeff Folger distributed copies of a very well written article from The Habitat newsletter entitled “Journey to the Legal Horizon” by Attorney Janet P. Brooks.  In a landmark case, the Supreme Court upholds a Putnam Commission’s denial of an application as incomplete due to the fact that the applicant refused to provide additional information the commission felt was pertinent to rendering a decision.  Recommended reading for the Commissioners.

Commissioner Brower referred to a recent article in the New York Times about a US Supreme Court ruling that a lot of the Clean Water Act no longer applies to many waterways – basically allowing many companies that discharge into the waterways to due so without regulation.  Commissioner Brower questioned how this would affect town and state regulations.  Mr. Folger stated that town and state regulations are separate from the federal regulations and are still in effect.  Mr. Folger said that towns have jurisdiction over some things that the feds may not and vice versa.

ITEM:  MINUTES: 2/17/2010

Motion to: approve the minutes from 2/17/2010
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous, with Commissioner Kelly abstaining due to her absence from that meeting.  


Jeff Folger reviewed the plans for the Earth Day celebration on April 24 regarding distribution of white spruce seedlings at the fishing derby and Nevers Road Park.


Jeff Folger provided an update on the Tiger Beetle relocation project which is set to resume.  Since Mr. Milke’s property is no longer part of the CT Studios project, the property owner will not allow entrance to his land for the purpose of obtaining additional eggs or larva nor any habitat material with which to reestablish the Tiger Beetles at the permanent relocation site.  An alternative source for suitable habitat material will have to be found in order to recreate an appropriate environment for the beetles once they are relocated to the Barton property.

Commissioner Brower inquired as to whether IWA would receive the multi-family housing application for South Satellite Road.  Mr. Folger said that would be determined by whether a zone change is approved by Planning and Zoning.  

ITEM:  PUBLIC HEARING – Vice Chairperson Kelly called the Public Hearing to order at 7:15 pm, Secretary Heffler read Legal Notice, noting correction of Appl. #10-09P to be Appl. #10-09W.

Appl. #10-09W – Town of South Windsor – West Road Reconstruction Project IWA/Conservation Commission application for the reconstruction of West Road including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures.

The application was presented by Joe Perna, Town of South Windsor Engineering Dept.  The reconstruction of West Road is being proposed to coincide with the construction of the new Fire and Ambulance Headquarters.  The reconstruction of West Road will entail reducing the sharp curvature by realigning approximately 900 feet of the road, removing a portion of the forested area along the inside of the curve, grading the area with a 1% slope for drainage, creating grass swales to receive the runoff and direct runoff to 3 cross culvert drainage pipes which are being installed as part of the Fire and Ambulance Building project.  A staging area for construction of the new Fire and Ambulance Headquarters will remain after completion of the building to be used as a parking lot for the Donnelly preserve.

Commissioners expressed concern for the vernal pool in the area.  Mr. Perna and Mr. Folger stated that various protective measures could be utilized in the way of suitable plantings, possibly a berm or deeper swale.

A desire to have a denser planted buffer between the new road side and the vernal pool was voiced.

Commissioner Brower stated that there is an issue of buried utility lines in the area.  Mr. Perna said they will be coordinating with CL&P regarding power lines and positioning of poles.  Mr. Perna stated that the issue of sufficient lighting on West Road will be addressed.

Commissioner Phillips recapped the reasoning for the application as presented:  The reconstruction of this portion of West Road needs to be done due to the current condition of the road surface and the current alignment of the road is unsafe; this location was chosen instead of taking out the corner further south because it is town-owned property and would not require the acquisition of privately owned land, and the parking lot to be used for Donnelly; storm water control was determined due to the flatness of the area and drainage feasibility; the positioning of the cross culverts were adjusted for protection of the wetlands, specifically the vernal pool.

Residents participating with questions and comments were:  Kenneth Pudeler, 201 West Road, was concerned about the trees being cut down for the staging area/parking, a buried Cox Cable line no power), and the ability to mow the ditch due to the steepness of the embankment.  Mr. Perna stated that the slope is 4 to 1 – Mr. Pudeler agreed that was not as steep as he first thought.  Mr. Folger responded that staging area location is dryer, adjacent to construction area and then convenient for public use, and near an existing wood road for access to hiking trails.  Mr. Pudeler stated he is still concerned about incurring the cost of clearing trees and stumps when there is already a cleared area just down the street.

Al Krivickas, 165 West Road, asked about extent of excavation and disposition of fill.  Mr. Perna stated that excavation will basically be done for the new road bed, that there will be more grading and blending to the areas sloping down from the roadway.  Top soil removed will be stockpiled at the staging area to be replaced later.  Mr. Krivickas stated that water currently runs off the road and just dissipates into the surrounding area – asked how it will be handled now.  Mr. Perna explained that the swales will be sloped to direct runoff from the road to several 15” concrete pipes that will be installed across West Road as part of the Fire and Ambulance Building project.

Bob Benson, 15 West Road, asked why that location was chosen for the staging area.  Mr. Perna stated that the considerations were proximity to the construction, dryer area, less impact to wetlands and closeness to an existing farm road.

A site walk was conducted by Folger, Warren, Kelly and Muller.

Motion to: close the public hearing at 7:55 pm.
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion for: a finding that there is no prudent or feasible alternative.
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: approve application #10-09W – Town of South Windsor – West Road Reconstruction Project IWA/Conservation Commission application for the reconstruction of West Road including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures, with the following conditions:

  • Per staff recommendation, restoration of the area east of planned staging area must use material suitable to the adjacent forest floor restoration as opposed to the originally proposed plan to grade and seed with turf grass.       
Roadside and understory plantings must be installed between the edge of pavement and the vernal pool to mitigate salt spray from winter road clearing activities, per staff recommendations.

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Appl. #10-15P – CT Studios – John Fitch Blvd – Determination of Public Hearing - IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a film studio complex including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures.  On property located easterly of Rt. 5, southerly of Chapel Road, and westerly of Ellington Road.  I-291 Corridor Development Zone.

Motion to:  Hold a public hearing on Appl #10-15P on March 17, 2010.  The reason being public interest, the extent of the project and the involvement of wetlands.

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:02 pm

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved:  March 17, 2010